
Widows Sons Scotland is Governed by the Council of Presidents and the Executive Committee.

The Council of Presidents consist of 7 elected Brethren, Their purpose is to collaborate on strategic operations, activities and fund raising efforts; advise and / or provide guidance on bylaws to Chapter Presidents and Vice Presidents.

The Executive Committee membership consists of the Council of Presidents, the serving three Chapter Presidents, the serving three Chapter Vice Presidents, National Secretary, National Treasurer and the National Merchandising Officer. The purpose of the Executive Committee is to uphold the bylaws of the Widows Sons Scotland MRA, preside over the association and all Chapters either within or out with Scotland under the Scottish Jurisdiction and organise meetings and events throughout the year for the general Membership.

Details of the current Chapter Officials can be found under each Chapter Page.

Chapter President

The Chapter President is the Chairman of his respective chapter. He is the liaison between other Widows Sons Chapters, Motorcycle clubs and associations, all matters relating to the affairs and conduct of the chapter are brought to the President for his attention.

The President acts as a personal representative of the chapter, He ensures the Bylaws of the WSS are adhered to and followed by the members and is able to judge items that are not in the chapter’s rules. He represents the association and promotes it throughout his respective area.

Chapter Vice President

The Vice-President supervises plans for club events and coordinates with the members. He also relays information between the President and the Members of the chapter.

Any questions, comments or concerns of the members are brought to the Vice-Presidents attention. The Vice-President is the second in command underneath the President and he assumes all the duties of the President in his absence.

Chapter Warden

The Warden assists the President & Vice President in their respective duties when required. He is also responsible for introducing, welcoming and mentoring new members upon joining the association by maintaining contact once membership is achieved, answering any queries they may have and assist in integrating them within their respective Chapter.

Chapter Road Captain

The Road Captain plays a crucial safety role and plans all club runs & routes once the destination has been selected by the President or Vice President. When on a group ride out the Road Captain is the ranking official if the President and Vice-President are not present and therefore leads the club formation on the ride. If the President is on the run, a Road Captain rides at the front of the group with the President. They are in charge of enforcing all rules of the road ensuring rider safety and rider eduction. The Road Captain will also  utilise and guide Road Marshalls to assist on ride outs where required. 

National Secretary

The Secretary is responsible for keeping all of the club records, written reports and correspondence between outside organisations. He calls role at the committee meetings and takes notes on each meeting. He is also responsible to notify any members of special meeting times and dates other than the normally scheduled meetings. The Secretary is in charge of telling any members of an election or appointment if it was made while they were not present at a meeting. He maintains the constitution of the club noting any changes to it and handles all written club correspondence.

National Treasurer

The Treasurer keeps all the financial records of the club. He collects the income from all operations and is responsible for paying all the bills or expenses of the club, while keeping written records. The Treasurer reports the club’s status on payments owed and due at each committee meeting to the members. He may also provide the committee a written report of the financial status at the annual meetings. The Treasurer collects all dues from the club’s members.

National Merchandising Officer

The Merchandising Officer is in charge of the production and procurement of all national promotional items, clothing, patches and other advertising materials relating to the Widows Sons Scotland. He provides advice, guidance and liaises with each respective chapter within WSS. 

The Merchandising Officer is responsible for maintaining all of the club patches and paraphernalia that are un-issued as well as a record of when members are entitled to certain patches.